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Back-to-School Smile Tune-Up

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Back-to-School Smile Tune-Up

Back to School Smile Care

Dental exams and cleanings are tools to start a new school year right. You only have one chance to make a first impression–do it with a smile! You’re another year older and wiser and you’ve changed a lot. One thing that we hope improves each year is your smile. A person’s smile is one of the first things others notice about them. Is your smile white? Straight? Healthy? Or is it the opposite of all of these? Find out how to revamp your smile and your oral health so you can have a dazzling smile by the time school or work starts again!

Whiten Your Smile

When it comes to your smile, you want it bright, white and inviting.  You aren’t the only one. The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry recently conducted a survey to find out what most people would like to improve the most about their smiles. The answer? Whiter and brighter teeth. Our team at Premier Dentistry of Eagle can give you that dazzling smile with an in-office teeth whitening treatment or tray whitening treatments you can take home with you.  Wondering which option you should choose? In-office whitening or tray whitening at home? Here are some specifics about each option.

Tray whitening is a less expensive whitening treatment you can use while in the comfort of your own home. This is achieved by taking an impression of your mouth to create customized clear whitening trays for you to wear.  The whitening gel trays are worn 30-60 minutes up to twice a day.

Your other option is to have an in-office whitening treatment.  This treatment can be done at the same appointment after your cleaning provided that your gums/teeth are healthy.  The effort that you make to whiten your smile and to keep your smile bright through proper oral hygiene and visits to our office will keep your smile bright and keep your mouth healthy.

Build Confidence and Lift Your Mood

How you feel about your smile directly affects your self esteem, research shows.  Help your child or teen start the school year off right with a little boost to their confidence by making their smile something they want to share with others.

Smiling helps lift  your mood and the mood of those around you.   Smiling triggers the release of neuropeptides that fight off stress. (Neuropeptides are tiny molecules that help neurons to communicate.) When you smile, the “feel good” neurotransmitters–dopamine, endorphins and serotonin–are all released helping to relax your body, lower your heart rate and your blood pressure.

A Healthy Smile, A Healthy Immune System

The mouth-body connection is a real thing. Infection, regardless of where it is found in your body, taxes your immune system making it more difficult to combat foreign invaders. Good oral hygiene habits, coupled with regular cleanings, protects your gums and safeguards your mouth from  gum disease and periodontal infections.

Gum diseases/infections permit toxic bacteria and organisms to fester in your mouth.  With their close and constant access to your bloodstream, they can impact other bodily systems as well.

Scheduling a comprehensive exam and cleaning with Premier Dentistry of Eagle can improve your current oral health preparing you to better fight off school-related bacteria.

Dental Cleanings Are Quick and Effective

While the weeks before school resumes can be full to the brim with shopping and supply gathering, dental cleanings are a quick item you can check off your list. Cleanings and exams only take between 25-30 minutes but can remove plaque from your teeth that could equate to much more time lost in the future.

State-of-the-art technology will work fast to help your loved one leave our office with a new and improved smile and increased confidence that they are ready to face a new year.

Call to Schedule a Back-to-School Dental Exam

Get your new school year off to the best start ever!  Having a confident, clean smile will help give you that boost you need to be confident and at ease!  A healthy mouth helps encourage a healthy body too. Our office offers all of the high-quality, gentle dental care you need for a smile that is healthy and beautiful for life. Dr. Shane S. Porter is pleased to provide comprehensive dental treatments to meet all of your dental needs and desires. No matter your dental needs, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that helps you feel confident. Call Premier Dentistry of Eagle at 208-546-0655 today to schedule an appointment.

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