National Toothache Day: Top 5 Causes of Toothache and How to Avoid Them

National Toothache Day: Top 5 Causes of Toothache and How to Avoid Them

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National Toothache Day: Top 5 Causes of Toothache and How to Avoid Them

February 9th is National Toothache Day, and in honor of this day, we would like to share with you the five most common causes of toothache. By being aware of these causes, you can take steps to avoid them and keep your teeth healthy and pain-free!

What is a Toothache?

A toothache is pain in or around a tooth that can range from mild to severe. Common symptoms include:

  • Tooth pain that may be sharp, throbbing, or constant. In some people, pain results only when pressure is applied to the tooth (biting down on something).
  • Swelling around the tooth.
  • Fever or headache.
  • Foul-tasting drainage from the infected tooth.
  • A bad odor from the mouth.

If you experience trouble breathing and swallowing along with your pain, call a dental professional right away.

National Toothache Day: Top 5 Causes of Toothache

1. Gum Disease:

Plaque build-up caused by poor oral hygiene can cause inflammation of the gums, which can lead to pain in your teeth and gums. To avoid gum disease, brush twice a day and floss once a day to remove plaque. See your dentist regularly for professional cleanings.

2. Grinding Teeth:

Clenching or grinding your teeth can cause toothache and even damage the enamel of your teeth. To prevent this, ask your dentist for a night guard to wear when you sleep. If stress or anxiety is causing you to clench or grind your teeth, take steps to relax before bedtime.

3. Cavities:

Cavities occur when the tooth decay has eaten away at the enamel of your teeth. To avoid cavities, brush twice a day and floss once a day to remove plaque and bacteria that can cause decay. Cut back on sugary foods, which can also lead to cavities. See your dentist for regular check-ups and teeth cleanings to detect cavities early.

4. Injury or Trauma:

An injury to the face, mouth or jaw can cause a toothache. To prevent such an injury, wear protective gear when playing sports or engaging in other activities that involve physical contact. Also, be careful not to bite down on hard objects, such as ice cubes or popcorn kernels.

5.  Tooth Sensitivity:

If you experience pain or discomfort when eating or drinking hot/cold foods and drinks, you may suffer from tooth sensitivity. To treat this, use a sensitive toothpaste, which can help to reduce the pain. For more severe cases, speak with your dentist about possible treatments such as desensitizing agents or sealants. 

By being aware of these five most common causes of toothache, you can take steps to avoid them and keep your teeth healthy and pain-free.

National Toothache Day: Common Treatments at Home

If you are suffering from a toothache, here are some common treatments to alleviate the pain:

  • Over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen.
  • Salt water rinse.
  • Cold compress.
  • Oral numbing gel.

If your  toothache persists after trying these treatments, make an appointment with your dentist to get the cause of the pain diagnosed and treated. Common treatments at the dentist include:

  • Cavity fillings
  • Root canal treatment.
  • Tooth extraction.

No matter what the cause of your toothache, it’s important to seek proper diagnosis and treatment from your dental professional in order to prevent further complications down the road. 


The best way to avoid getting toothache and other dental problems is to keep your teeth and gums as healthy as possible. To do this, you should:

  • limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks – you should have these as an occasional treat and only at mealtimes; read more about cutting down on sugar
  • brush your teeth twice a day using a toothpaste that contains fluoride – gently brush your gums and tongue as well
  • clean between your teeth using dental floss and, if necessary, use a mouthwash 
  • don’t smoke – it can make some dental problems worse

Make sure you have regular dental check-ups, preferably with the same dentist. 

The time between check-ups can vary, depending on how healthy your teeth and gums are and your risk of developing future problems.

Make an Appointment with Premier Dentistry of Eagle

At Premier Dentistry of Eagle, we understand the importance of taking care of your teeth and gums. If you are experiencing toothache, or if it’s time for your regular check-up, we can help. We offer a variety of dental services that can address any issues and keep your mouth healthy. From routine cleanings to more complex procedures, our experienced dental professionals can help you maintain a healthy and beautiful smile. Give us a call to make an appointment!


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