What Oral Hygiene Habits Do You Need? - Premier Dentistry of Eagle

What Oral Hygiene Habits Do You Need?

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What Oral Hygiene Habits Do You Need?

Oral Hygiene
Did you know that the National Institutes of Health reports that tooth decay is the most “prevalent, chronic disease” that Americans face? Both children and adults get this so often, that about 92% of people with have tooth decay by adulthood. Gum disease, as well, affects more than half of the people in the United States. The interesting thing about these oral health diseases? They can be prevented with the right oral hygiene habits such as brushing and flossing correctly. Find out what oral hygiene habits you need and how to do them properly to prevent disease! At Premier Dentistry of Eagle, we have many tips and treatments to help get your teeth healthier. Nutrition plays a major role in the health of your body as well as your teeth, but some foods should be avoided. We can help give you guidelines for excellent oral hygiene and health. Investing in professional dental services such as comprehensive exams, cleanings and treatments will also contribute to a healthier smile. 

Oral Hygiene Basics

When it comes to establishing a healthy oral hygiene routine, there are a few basics that are considered the baseline for good oral health .

  • Fluoride Treatments – For many, fluoride treatments in the form of mouth rinses and toothpastes can help strengthen the teeth. Fluoride can also help protect the teeth from the harmful effects of plaque and tooth decay.
  • Dental Cleanings – Come see the dentist for your 6-month cleanings. Only a professional cleaning can get in all the nooks and crannies that are hard for people to see. A dental cleaning will also thoroughly remove plaque and hard-to-remove tartar that gets stuck on the teeth.
  • Brushing – We can’t stress this enough! Brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day. This will help remove sticky plaque from the teeth. Why is this important? Plaque is an acidic substance made from bacteria and sugars from food. This acidic substance coats the tooth enamel, eroding it over time. With enough erosion, this acidic plaque can seep into the center of the tooth where tooth decay happens. Avoid tooth decay with proper and frequent brushing! Brushing after every meal will help clear the plaque from the teeth way before it has had the chance to settle in.
  • Flossing – Floss the teeth every single day to remove food between the teeth that can easily cause cavities. Floss more than once a day if possible.

Pay Attention to What You Eat for Healthier Teeth

What you eat greatly affects the health of your teeth. After all, the teeth come in contact with food every single day, all day long. Not all foods are good for the teeth though. What are some that should be avoided or ingested sparingly?

  • Soda – Most sodas and sport drinks are filled with sugar. Many have more sugar than several candy bars. When you sip these drinks for long periods of time, it gives plaque more time to use all that sugar to produce acid that will erode your teeth. Sticking to water as much as possible will reduce your risk for tooth decay.
  • Alcohol – Drink this sparingly, as it can dry out the mouth and reduce your saliva production. This can lead to tooth decay, gum disease and can increase your risk for oral cancer.
  • Sugary Foods – Remember that sugar mixes with bacteria in the mouth to form plaque. The amount of sugar you eat can definitely correlate to the amount of tooth decay you have.
  • Hard Candies – These foods can break and chip the teeth if chewed. Hard candies are also chocked full of sugar that sits on the teeth for extended periods of time.
  • Ice – Although ice is made of water, it can easily chip and break teeth if chewed. Suck on ice only—no chewing!
  • Citrus Fruits – Exposure to acidic foods can erode the enamel of your teeth. Citrus fruits are notorious for being very acidic. This includes juices as well. Both fruits and juices that are acidic can also irritate mouth sores. Avoid brushing the teeth directly after eating these foods, as a tiny layer of the tooth enamel can be removed.
  • Coffee – Coffee and certain teas can stain the teeth. Many also add in too much sugar with their coffee.

See Your Dentist Regularly

One of the best ways to avoid dental problems is to see your dentist. Many patients take good care of their oral health. When it comes to the teeth though, there are just some areas many can’t see well. The back of the mouth is especially hard. Because not everyone is a dentist, it is also hard for many to spot the early signs of tooth decay, gum disease, oral cancer and more.  Dentists are specifically trained to see early signs of problems with your teeth. At our dental office, we also provide diagnostic and preventive care services. This will include an examination of all hard (teeth) and soft tissues in the mouth.

We will also take digital x-rays with your dental visit. These x-rays will focus a beam of x-ray particles which will pass through the bone and produce an image on special film. This will give us a black and white image of your teeth inside and out so that we can diagnose problems and disease. Without an x-ray of the whole tooth (or teeth) and supporting bone and gum tissues, we would have no way to detect infection or pathology that requires attention.

Call for a Dental Exam and Evaluation

Establishing great oral health habits can start with these above suggestions.  During a visit to our office, we can give your specific instructions on areas that you may need to improve on. Dr. Shane S. Porter is pleased to provide comprehensive treatments for all your dental needs and goals. Achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that helps you feel confident. Call Premier Dentistry of Eagle to schedule an appointment. Our oral hygiene tips can help you to have better oral health without a too much effort. Come see us at our office today to examine your teeth and gums and to make sure all is well. Keep up on good oral health habits for healthier teeth. To receive more tips for good habits that lead to healthier teeth and gums, call our office today at 208-546-0655.

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