How Adults Can Benefit from Fluoride - Premier Dentistry of Eagle

How Adults Can Benefit from Fluoride

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As adults, we tend to forget the importance of fluoride – but it’s not just children who can benefit from its dental health-protecting properties. No matter your age, fluoride is a key component of maintaining a healthy smile, and can help you keep your teeth looking their best. Whether you’re brushing, rinsing, or getting a professional fluoride treatment, this essential mineral can offer incredible protection and benefits for adults as well.

Common Dental Health Problems in Adults

Adults are more susceptible to certain dental health issues than children, as our teeth become more vulnerable to decay and damage with age. Common adult problems include cavities, tooth sensitivity, yellowing of the enamel, and periodontal disease. Fortunately, fluoride can help prevent these issues from developing or worsening by strengthening the enamel and protecting your smile against plaque buildup.

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a mineral naturally found in water, soil, and foods. It helps to harden the enamel on our teeth, making them more resistant to decay from everyday wear and tear. The fluoride we ingest also helps to reduce bacterial acid attacks on our teeth which can cause cavities and decay. Without regular exposure to fluoride, it’s much easier for tooth decay to set in, and it can become difficult to repair.

Fluoride treatments are often recommended by dentists for adults who have a higher risk of developing cavities or other dental issues. This process involves applying highly-concentrated fluoride to the teeth, which helps restore minerals and strengthen the enamel, making it more resistant to decay. Professional fluoride treatments can provide incredible protection for adult smiles and help reduce the risk of developing common dental issues.

What Does it Do?

Every day, your enamel (the protective outer layer of your tooth) gains and loses minerals. You lose minerals when acids — formed from bacteria, plaque and sugars in your mouth — attack your enamel. This process is demineralization. You gain minerals — like fluoride, calcium and phosphate — when you consume food and water that contain these minerals. This process is remineralization.

Tooth decay is a result of too much demineralization without enough remineralization.

Dental fluoride helps prevent tooth decay by making your enamel more resistant to acid attacks. It also reverses early decay.


Many foods and water contain fluoride. You can also purchase fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash. You can buy low-strength fluoride mouthwash over the counter. Stronger concentrations in liquid or tablet form need a healthcare provider’s prescription. Cleveland Clinic explains fluoride to your teeth in the form of:

  • Foam, which they’ll dispense into a custom tray, then place over your teeth.
  • Varnish, which they’ll paint directly on your teeth.
  • Gel, which they’ll either paint on your teeth or dispense in a custom tray.

How Can Fluoride Help Adults?

Fluoride helps prevent cavities from forming in adults by strengthening and protecting the enamel on teeth. It also reduces sensitivity that can occur with age or as a result of gum recession. Regular fluoride treatment at your dentist can help with:

  • Decreased tooth sensitivity.
  • Reduced risk of cavities and decay.
  • Preserving the longevity of restorations, such as fillings or crowns.
  • Protection against acid attacks from bacteria in your mouth that can cause decay.
  • Fluoride treatments are also beneficial for those with dry mouth, a condition that increases the risk of cavities.

Brushing with Fluoride

For those who don’t get a professional fluoride treatment, brushing your teeth with fluoride toothpaste is still an excellent way to protect them from decay and damage. Additionally, using a fluoride mouthwash or rinse can also provide extra protection for adult teeth by restoring mineral deposits and strengthening the enamel.

Caring For Your Teeth at Home

In addition to professional fluoride treatments, these home care tips can help you maintain healthy teeth and gums:

  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Floss daily.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for cleanings and checkups.
  • Limit sugary snacks and drinks.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.

The Importance of Seeing the Dentist

It’s important to receive regular dental checkups and cleanings, at least twice a year. These visits are an opportunity for your dentist to check for cavities, evaluate the health of your teeth and gums, and provide any needed fluoride treatments. If you’ve been diagnosed with dry mouth or other conditions that increase your risk of tooth decay, make sure to discuss this with your dentist.

Make an Appointment with Premier Dentistry of Eagle

Fluoride is a key element to oral health, and it’s never too late to begin taking advantage of its benefits. Whether you’re looking for cavity prevention or just want to maintain the health of your teeth, professional fluoride treatments and proper at-home care can help keep your smile healthy for years to come. At Premier Dentistry of Eagle, we provide comprehensive dentistry services to help you achieve your best smile possible! Contact us today for more information on fluoride treatments or to make an appointment.


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